
The project Nfapi provides the interface to driver functions. It is possible to link with API code statically or build and use it as a separate dll. Here is a list of nfapi project configurations:

- Debug : builds the debug version of nfapi.dll and nfapi.lib to link with dll.

- Release : builds the release version of nfapi.dll and nfapi.lib to link with dll.

- Debug_c_api : builds the debug version of nfapi.dll with pure C interface and nfapi.lib to link with dll.

- Release_c_api : builds the release version of nfapi.dll with pure C interface and nfapi.lib to link with dll.

- Debug_static_dll : builds the debug version of static library nfapi.lib, linking with C runtime dynamically (uses /MDd compiler flag).

- Release_static_dll : builds the release version of static library nfapi.lib, linking with C runtime dynamically (uses /MD compiler flag).

- Release_static : builds the release version of static library nfapi.lib, linking statically with C runtime (uses /MT compiler flag).

Each configuration uses a separate lib subfolder with the corresponding name. Add the macro lib\$(ConfigurationName)\$(PlatformName) to "Additional library directories" in your project settings to link with the proper version of nfapi.lib.

It is necessary to define the symbol _NFAPI_STATIC_LIB in your project when linking with the static build of the library.